R/C Tech Forums - View Single Post - WCICS Round 1 - Overgeared Racing Presents Big Chill 2011
Old 11-19-2011, 11:44 AM
IronRing Racing
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The new registration program that Brad has been working on is up and running.


At this time it's just in beta testing mode, and the programmer needs people to try to use it, try to break it, etc. He's got parameters set for transponder numbers, names, etc, and needs people to try to break it so he can find any weaknesses.

REGISTERING DOES NOT COMMIT YOU TO ANYTHING! It's just a test run, he just needs data to test it. If you've got an RC friend in Scotland, it's all good, feel free to have him try it out; he just needs testers.

So please go on, register for the KARZ WCICS race, put your info in, put bogus info in, try to put funny stuff in. Just give it a test.

And he's looking for suggestions on how to make it better. So either post on the Karz thread, or PM myself or Brad (Racing Wolfpack) with suggestions. Would you rather see a calendar drop down for the date. A different way to enter the PT #'s.

Also, is it phone/iphone/blackberry/android/WinMobile friendly? Try it on your phones.

The way this will hopefully work is that you could register for a WCICS, CarCar, Karz, (place your local club here) race on your phone while on your way to the track! Your info will already be in there, you just click what classes, and that's it. When you get there, you're already done, no paperwork, just pay and go. And they're looking at online payment as well for a future version.

This is a really cool program, will save both the clubs, and the racers, a lot of work, so please be a beta tester and put your info in!

Club execs, the back-end of this is really cool. You'll just grab the RCScoring Pro data file when on-line registration closes, drop it in the RCScoring folder, and done, everything is done. If a couple guys need to register in person, just add them in.

Also, once we've had a year of racing, this will provide one master data file, which will have all the info for all the people that raced in the WCICS series in 2011; BC, AB, SK, MB, all in there so 90% of the racers are already in place.


Even better, when your race is done, you just e-mail the data file to the WCICS website, and it AUTOMATICALLY updates the data & calculates the race standings, DONE!

Needless to say this will save a ton of work, so...


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