R/C Tech Forums - View Single Post - 5280 Raceway - Colorado On Road RC Club (CORRC)
Old 07-14-2011, 09:46 PM
Tech Adept
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 115

Hello Guys,

I just wanted to give you all an update and to ask a favor. I am going to be taking my second (passed the first with a 96%) of 3 tests this Saturday. Once this test is done I will have a couple of days of rest then I will be heading to Arizona for the start of the second class and study for the second Cert. After the class I will be busy studying and hope to be done before August 30th. After this I will be starting to race full time again and to get ready for IIC. My plan is to start after the 30th with going to the track every day. I will also catch up on my key membership by paying for July, August, and September to help out the club and for letting me store my stuff at the track (I want this place to stay ).

On to the favor. Could someone be so kind as to provide me the transponder number for my car so that I may sign up for IIC? I have my plane ticket and hotel all setup and ready.

BTW, Ryan or Jason do I still have a spot for my stuff for IIC?

Sorry for the big post. Thank you for your time and hope to see you all in about a month and a half.

Kind regards,
JD (Jeremy)
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