R/C Tech Forums - View Single Post - 35 Amp Graded cells from SMC coming soon
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Old 06-13-2004, 06:46 AM
Jack Rimer
Tech Fanatic
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 793

I don't see why it is relative to this conversation to break down what happens internally to a cell to understand that it creates a performance advantage. The genius's argueing their points can't even get the facts correct. The batteries pull much more than 30 amps under load, not less. Heat does impact the performance of the cells. That is why we control the room temperature when we match so that the heat does not INFLATE the numbers. Yes, the numbers actually go up with heat. Now when you can logically and scientifically explain how you come to the conclusion that an R/C car pulls less than 30 amps yet still drains a battery with over 400 seconds of capacity in 5 minutes I will give validity to your views. Until then, get the facts straight before you post.
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