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Old 03-21-2009, 08:39 PM
Tech Rookie
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 14
Default Looking to buy a basher.

I've been reading quite a bit on these forums and many others. At first the choice seemed clear that I should buy a Savage X. However I have some questions after talking to my LHS. Let me begin with some backstory.

I own a Ofna Ultra MBX that I had a hard time with a few years ago. It has been collecting dust for about 4 years and it has a blown engine. Myself and 3 friends all had one. We all seemed to break the same parts, the main one being the front bottom A shaped arm that held the wheel. That thing would break if you took a turn too hard it seemed, much less had any fun with it.

Based on my previous experience, I am wanting a basher. I want to be able to run it around in my neighborhood cul da sac. It will likely hit a curb a time or two. I have a huge field near by with lots of dirt, some tractor ruts and a few nice hills. I also have a large grass field that is fairly level. I hope to run in all of these areas. I do not wish to replace a part each tank of gas or less. My neighbor has quite a few MT's. He recommended me talking to my LHS which I did Friday. They recommended a tmaxx because they have lots of parts in stock. My issue is I don't want to be buying parts everyday.

Here is my laundry list of questions. I really appreciate your time and answers.

1. What breaks the most when bashing a Savage X 4.6 RTR.
2. What breaks the most when bashing a tmaxx 3.3
3. Will a Savage X 4.6 RTR survive my idea of fun above?
4. Is my ofna box starter worthless? No bump start on MT?
5. What temp gun should I get?
6. Do I really need to change the servo's to have fun?
7. Tmaxx 3.3 or Savage X 4.6 for my needs?

Any additional comments are welcomed.
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