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Old 04-01-2007, 03:27 AM
Mrs. CRC
Tech Initiate
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 28
Default A woman's perspective

Hey Guys!
I was really glad to see this link, not that I'm glad some of you have wives or girlfriends that hate RC, but obviously its important enough to you guys to talk about it. Whether you want it or not, here's my take, from a female perspective.

I can't imagine a bigger RC widow then myself. Not only does Frank work 10-12 hours a day in the business, he holds races, goes to races and races on-line! In the beginning (10 years ago), I didn't much understand it, but over the years I have come to appreciate his perspective. From the start, I realized that this was part of him, not just a hobby. Probably the one thing that makes it OK with me, is if I am totally honest about mine and my family's needs. What I mean is that when I say, "I really need you here this weekend", its because I REALLY NEED HIM HERE! Not 'cause I'm lonely or there's a great movie coming out, its because I have deemed a situation "priority". He respects that and therefore I respect his needs to be racing.

Racing is a great time for women to get all that stuff done that we can't do with you guys under our feet. It's my time to shop, clean, talk on the phone, take bubble baths, and read without interruption. Away races (when I can go) are a great way to see some of this country or other countries. There is always another RC widow around to do things with (although I generally make better time on my own!) I know locally, some of the wives have an unofficial CRC widows club and have gotten together on club race night to watch certain tv shows or do things together, kind of a ladies night out. Lately, they are meeting their guys at a local pub after racing and making it a full night out for all.

I, personally, have never gotten into the hobby of rc. (too clutsy) Also, this is his thing. With the business end, I help when I can or am asked, but respect his space. After all, it was here long before I was. I am confident, however, when I truly need him here, he's here. And when the kids (now adults) need him here, he's here. I think that makes all the difference in the world.

Well, that's just my 2 cents. Good Luck with your ladies and your racing!
Mrs. CRC
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