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Old 11-05-2006, 10:13 AM
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Originally Posted by SlowerOne
...and may now start to roll, Brian, as the TC guys have got themselves into a looney-loop over the number of cells to run - 4 in Japan, 5 now in Europe, and 6 in the US (so far!). It's looking more and more as though people will now do 'something else' in the summer, and 12th in the Winter - or all year round in Florida!

I hope you, OD and Jason won't forget Europe as a market - we'd all love to have your cars available, especially in the UK. The UK 12th market has quite a high average age, but it also means there is a bit of money available, and 12th isn't exactly expensive. A 12L is about £140, and a Corally 12X is £300 retail - so plenty of scope! OK, do I have to beg now?!!

12th rocks - or is there an echo in this thread?!!
Yeah, looks like the TC racers are having to confront the technology curve that 1/12th guys did years ago. Nobody ever wants to admit that the cars are too fast and they need to slow down. It's undeniable that going to four cells in 1/12th resulted in a better balanced and raceable car than before the switch. I'm not advocating any particular change for touring cars, other than to say that sometimes change is good.

As for seeing OD12s in Europe, that is quite doable on an individual basis. I'm still a teeny tiny company compared to almost any other car maker on this thread, but I do know how to ship.

And just so Jason and Brian don't have all the fun, we are working on a few ideas too Just stuff to make your 1/12th scale experience more enjoyable.

1/12th does indeed rock! (there's that echo again!)
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