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Old 11-01-2002, 11:53 PM
Tech Rookie
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 12

hey guys!

long time no post (4 me!!)

Yeah, about the Enduro race... it looks like alot of fun... Me and my neighbour (both 540's) are intersted in joining in for some fun. I think I have some ppl who race stock that might want to race with us but I know no mod racers.

Or if anyone needs 540 drivers..... we're not great but we have been going good in 540lites, we're no 'V8' drivers but we are pretty steady (non-crashing i guess).

How does the qualifying/finals work? Do only 8 teams qualify for the final race or something (is the final the 3hour one?). How does that work...

anyways, thats all from me for now...
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