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Old 01-09-2019, 11:48 PM
Matty A
Tech Regular
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 414

Originally Posted by Evoking1230
I wish others would follow suit of JQ and provide setup sheets more often! Some may not be able to use the exact same setup, but its nice to see what is being done so we can try it!
As Kanai recently said for the MP10: please use the manual as the base setup and work from there. There’s a perception if you run a pro drivers setup then it’s better. Maybe but maybe not. For WRC guys they focus on tires, dampers and diffs. All boring stuff but big potential gains. Caster? Meh. Camber? Doesn’t really change. RC tend to focus on the minutiae because it’s there but the gains are % on %.. Attempting to create multiple setups that will suit drivers (the most important performance ingredient) and the tracks is virtually impossible.

This link is pretty cool..... but JQ also has done a huge amount to progress RC and his brand.


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