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Old 02-14-2018, 02:59 AM
Tech Adept
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Default Savöx 1258tg glitch problems.

I bought a new 1258tg in October for use in my 1:10 buggy.
It worked with no problems at all for about 2 months.
After that I would loose steering after landing from a jump.
This would happen maybe every 20th time I jumped.
I put on a glitchbuster on my receiver - no difference.
I bought a new radio system - no difference.
I bought a new esc - nope, didn't help neither.
Finally I went to my lhs and changed the servo to a new one( warranty),
ah, finally I can run without issues..

Until this weekend, having the same problem as I had before with the other servo.
I only loose steering after landing, also jumping small jumps.
Usually I release the throttle when in air in a jump -> I land -> I loose steering.
Has anyone experienced same thing?
(I´m having same issue with 2 different radios/esc:s now..)

I´m using:
Futaba 3PV
Hw v3.1
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