R/C Tech Forums - View Single Post - State of 1/10 Stadium Truck Racing
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Old 01-09-2018, 07:28 PM
Tech Apprentice
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Melbourne Australia
Posts: 95

Here in Australia we only run mod ST. So I've started running ST and stock 2wd buggy as I feel running a faster truck will make me a better buggy driver. Plus ST was the very first class I ever raced, back in the NIMH days, Venom 7.5t brushless in a Duratrax evader, I had the most fun racing that.

Also I mentioned at my second last race meet I'd like to race truck again and it went from 1 lone truck at the track to a class of 4 pretty much over-night. I think people want to race them but very few people actually get one and go ahead with racing them as they rarely see anyone else with one.
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