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Old 07-05-2017, 03:36 PM
British Menace
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Yes. I found the wear of the drive pin's just recently. Mainly on the central drive shaft's but also on the wheel drive shafts too, but to a lesser extent. Is it me or don't they last as long as they used to?

I have used the Alpha tire's and they were for me at least, my goto tire for consistency in my early GT day's!
I have never, until now, heard of the "Taher tires" Are they made from natural or synthetic rubber do you know?

Yes. I agree. I have only once used 300K oil in the rear with, at the time, 2.5Mill in the front. The track had ridiculously high traction which I think was why I was able to run it so thick.
I only had a hint of exit over steer with it but I have never ran it that high in the rear since!
I need to re-look at running the really low oil in the rear as I have heard one or two say they have had some success with it.
Need to do some testing.
Right now ..... I'm enjoying running my F1 car's

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