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Old 03-09-2015, 12:52 PM
Tech Rookie
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 17

We’ll its almost time for the outdoor season again. Really hoping we are headed for even a better season than we had last year. Like always the 1\8 electric racers will take the short coming on the track even though we pay the exact same amount as the 1\8 nitro drivers. Seems like when it comes to the mains the electric guys and gals get shorted on track time even though double A’s and triple A’s are always a possibility. I know we have the choice to run nitro, but we choose not to, just as some of the nitro people choose not to run electric.

I have thought of some of the cures for the problem but I already know they won’t please everyone and probably upset some of the track owners and other drivers. I guess you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time.

Track owners, run two qualifiers instead of three and add double or triple A’s for the electric classes. We will still get the same run time as if you had run 3 rounds and mains. Two qualifiers and a main for the nitro (20 minute main) = 30. Most qualifiers are 5 minutes and mains for electric are 10 minutes. Nitro = 2 X 5 min qualifiers + 20 min Main = 30 minutes. Electric = 2 X 5 min qualifiers + 2 X 10 min mains = 30 minutes. This looks much better to me and should make the program work much smoother. If the nitro mains are going to be 30 minutes then add a main to the 1\8 electric classes. This gives everyone the same time on the track.

The track owners could lower the price for the electric classes. Like $5.00 less per class to make up for less track time or charge the nitro $5.00 more for the added track time.

The next would take a little work with the RC Pro program but I know it can be done. It was showed to me by one of the track owners. Have the electric buggy marshal for the electric truggy and the electric truggy marshal for the electric buggy. This would also work for the nitro classes for the mains. This will end the complaint that the electric has to marshal the longer mains for the nitro. This is a constant complaint I have heard over and over by many people.

I am posting this on multiple RC Tech track pages. I hope it doesn’t cause too many problems, just trying to make things fair for everyone.
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