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Old 02-13-2005, 07:40 PM
Tech Adept
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 208
Default Snowbirds Shuie

Kudos to Team Schumacher at the Birds!

In the SnowBirds results thread Tony Rivas had pictures of a schumacher with a PDub sticker on a very different looking top deck that I believe I have seen on Mo's car as well in previous pictures.

If anyone knows I have a few questions:

1) Who's car was in picture?

2) I am not asking for new parts, but what is the experiment with the new top deck?

3) It looked like they had doubled up on the rear shock tower, was this to prevent possible flexing? Also, it looks like a new steering bell crank (if you are looking at a new bell crank design, god bless because I continue to have problems with mine!)

4) The car in the picture had rear body posts on on the rear shock tower---This is one of my own personal mods I have made to my own schumacher--just wondering if the Team is looking at this mod or if it was done for some other reason.

5) Finally, the car pictured had white ball cups...are these new ball grippas or are they RPM or some other companies ball cups?

Sorry if I am being a pain, I am just curious

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