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Thread: IERC Raceway
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Old 01-22-2013, 01:58 AM
Tech Master
1BLADE1's Avatar
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track owners do we really need this kind of Negitive things always happening??
seems we at REVELATION have been getting quite the questioning
and i would like the other owners of how these shops think of you the racers
and the people........
this happens often in R/C Tech yet it is sad.....
i just like to reassure those that are new and reading the tracks i have listed
within this post do not have the same opinions of the LRH Representitives
or Palm Desert.....
the racers of Revelation are good and Honest and the track is "Welcome"
to everyone........
keep in mind we try and help at Revelation with everthing and anything
like any other track there are good and Bad Apples....
why i am posting it is getting old for this kind of bashing...
it only hurts the Hobby in everyscale....
there was more but i just left some of what they say.....

Originally Posted by Relentless89
Just out of curiousity you consider yourself an engine builder/modder correct? Why is it that you would expose the internals of a customers engine out at revelation, outdoor, in a dusty environment when noticeable dirt particles are flying around all day? I realize you are trying to promote a service and gain clients but that is sort of shooting yourself in the foot isnt it?
and second quote to myself from the LRH Representitive

Originally Posted by Relentless89
Negative sallyby all means,but in my personal opinion from what Ive seen is also full of chit
Claims to not know or Met me...???

well if you dont know me?? how can you talk smak.....HAhHAhAHhahaHA...!!!
what a guy !!!...HHAHahAHahaH......

see people this is how it happens...you try and help?
and they talk "SH**" when you try and help people...???
For the Revelation Regulars i must say these attacks on us are just becomeing
LAME.....is this how track owners and there Representitives think and feel of us?
yet RACE on our track.....????

we do not see other track owners do this??? or there Representitives?

does Danny from WCRC do this.......no? or condone his drivers
as Kris(Relentless) who has a tag as being a "Representitive" of LRH...??

or does RB from OCRC do this...or his drivers??? NO
the Owners of Airland??....NO
the owners of IERC ....NO
the owners of Redlands Raceway...??? NO !!!
the Owners of SDRC...NO
the owners of Irvine Lake...NO
owners of any tracks or there drivers...
seems now only 2 do this and Condone these actions???
LRH and Palm Desert....and for what....???
well we know why ..."Misery Loves Company"

really now what did Revelation Raceway ever do to these people?
except have nothing but Open Arms......
and tell'em everyone is welcome....
yet what do they do to the Owner, "You" and the other Patrons of the track?
make fun of and rag on how we as a track "Help Others"

we all know Kris mr. Relentless can kick Adam drake's rear right !!!
(man i can hear the Laughs through the screen now LOL)

i know i Can Not !!!

so his advice is second to none..!!! would have to be to say something of
someone who wants to help they guys that are struggling to get there
car working,tuned right just in general working to the best of the ability
for the Individual.........
and you know i think this individual is a fan of "Clockworks" if not mistaken???

but what do i consider myself...???
a "Machinist" who hapens to be able to create something from almost
and one would be correct why in the hell would anyone do engine work
in a sand storm...???

Anyone ever see a sand storm rolling through rev lately...???
i havent...???
but i am not going to have a battle of whits with an Unarmed person...
so safe to say it would be pretty STUPID for anyone to work in a
such a dusty enviroment like that......
when it was present........

but !!!!!!!!!!
when the conditions are "premitable" it is fesible to work
to go over a customers engine.......
and why have it kinda of clean? well be courtious to bring it a little cleaned?
i dont want my pit table full of Grease and fuel dripping off it...LOL
and if winds are as bad as you "Claim" we do have a Shop...??? (DUH!!)
as well i can not "COUNT" the number of times i helped a New customer
start there cars and help get running when my Kid and Dana were Busy
in the Shop........where were you helping those kids !?!?!?!
or the new guys Starting out...???
you know and i remeber it well, Danny S. from WCRC even gave me an
Award just because??? i helped people during the time i was running
all the time there....and i sure wasnt expecting that????

the question you "Should have asked" is what is done to help the customer?
you can go over it and help the customer Understand the do's and Don'ts
of what he or She should and should not do...
what they can do to help the motor with its running to "Show" them
not "TELL Them"....2 VERY different things !!........
needle settings and why and how what does what it does.......
if there is a part broken i guess would not matter if there was
a certian degree of Micron particles in the air now would it...???

but then you were born with this "Knowledge weren't you"..???
i think someone told me that was you who
Wrote the Book on Absolute Knowledge !!!
man i should have known !!! your my HERO !!!!!!!!........NOT !

see if your trying to represent LRH you did a bad job ......??
think about it ....know it is hard? but just one second???
people come to rev....and i happen to be there? and someone has trouble?
the locals know who i am and i have a great deal of respect for
everyone, except those that try and say i am somthing i am not?
like me saying your an "Idiot"...i dont know if your an Idiot??
how can i even say your an Idiot? if i dont know if your an Idiot...???
so i would "Never say" your an Idiot...?? that is wrong and rude...
i am sure your a nice man...???

so someones having trouble? and there new....if they see that some guy
named Kris from LRH Hobbies is like this ??
wow would they want to talk to them?? would they want to go to LRH?
more so if the Owner is ok representing you and your Actions...??? bad PR ???
who in his own words as you Put:

but in my personal opinion from what Ive seen is also full of chit

pretty tall order...???
and call me what you will...???
but this post could make people "Think".......?????

was at one time i respected you.....you seemed like a nice person?
but......................well we can all read how he thinks of "People"
and others .......
rememebr you "Said it and Implied it"........Not I......
is this how you think of people starting out?
i by no means am I starting out?
but customers to LRH...??? pretty harsh to think of them like this?
you dont know me yet say you "Feel" i am full of well we can read it...
so how does a guy who helps is full of ...well you know...???

as a Sioux Indian there is a saying we have......
sounds better in my Native tounge

"Not even the fastest Horse can catch the words spoken in Anger"

besides what have you done for rev???
what have you done for LRH...maybe give bad press about others?
brag about how good you "Might be" ...???

have i said anything bad of you? my personal opinions are not as such?
what i do, Do is think about what i am posting before i say something
i can not even say anything about someone i do know...???
as i do not know many?? i know Hundreds...but not beyond a
friendly level be it at the track or at the Shop
or on the streets.........
i would be getting into more fights that i used to !!!
29 years of Marrage any more the wife will be all over me...LOL
hey i know where i get my Steak from !!!!

durning the time Dana was Ill, i donated my time to the shop
helped inside,worked with customers, and did what i can...
helping to paint the signs.......and yet still asked
for nothing ,and it is "Nothing in return".......
and i still pay my fees, and do what i can....
i know it is almost Impossable to think there are poeple like this !!!
sure you can claim it on a screen? but can you prove it...???
if so AWESOME !!! then even worse to be saying something bad of someone !!
means you only did it to look "Good" but you never "Meant it".....

and there are many......when they are new to this sport.....
then they "Sometimes" become well your post proved it...
"Opinionated of someone you dont even know" brash and Harsh...
i never want to be like that...??? if that means to be full of "Sh**"
then that is what i like to be......
over 6 billion people on the planet....and your just
"One" in a Cess-pool of Hate......and there are 5 billion out there that like me..

as a "Potential customer for LRH Hobbies"
a customer might think twice before going there?
only because they may think....???
"Dang i wonder what that guy is going to think of me"..????

you make it look bad for everyone even Lorenzo if he Condones this kind of
Actions for someone representing his track.........

like the Kid in Palm springs slaming Revelation??
do we need this when people are trying to help...???
do we need this when people are doing what they can to help the track?

see you forget? i race there too...if it doesnt stay open because
the Yo-Yo's are bickering about someguy who's doing the right thing...
making waves to make it look bad...???
and you though i was shooting myself in the foot???
and if Revelation Closes...???
where are you going to race that truggy trying to chase me down...???
you can't cause wont be there....

and i just looked at the LRH thread, seems the Owner is ok with your Actions?
kinda sad...???
just shows how it is....do you think Dana would Condone this if i was a Driver
for his Track...??? probally not...???
but then i am Not a "Driver For Revelation" just a Patron........
but i like my home track and i like the people there....
only one guy i had a problem with even then if he were to ask for help
i would be "Right there" to help......

so to the rest this is how LRH thinks of rev?? and it's Patrons...???
sad, very sad........

dont like my help? dont ask for it...???
dont like my help dont get it...???
dont like me...too bad i am here to stay till a higher up decides other wise !!
dont like the people that help....thats too bad...???

for the younger kids or someone that can use it, i am there to help....

however i am "Humbled by many thinking i have some Knowledge"
in what i do....and Humbled by those that think i am good driver...
and yet do not throw it in "Anyones Face" as well as the Knowledge
of what i do know for what i know...
a i could never claim to know something I do Not........
i have however seen how you have spoken of others?
keep in mind "Everyone starts out someplace" were not born
with a controller in our hand and are fast...???
always someone better and Faster.....and has some information
some can use,with someone and here is a concept
that might be difficult to understand?......."Share"........
i have shared my "Wealth" and my time with much better people....

and if this was not your Intenshions?
well i would say i must "Apologize" for any misconception of your
"Good Intenshions".......
if not?? well there is My "OPINION"...............

my little trophy, yea i am pretty proud of this!!
was something i never asked for?
never looked for? or Sought out???
for those that "Know Me" and what i have done, you know this to be true!
win loose or draw everyone always see me with a smile and a happy note!
knowing i can still do what i like and "Help those that need it"
like everything else i say or do, i am not the best? nor claim to be?
but, one thing is for sure....
"I do Not see Anyone else HELPING"

i have seen only one other pro driver do much?
i can not say anything of other pro drivers? since i did NOT personaly see if they do or do not help...???
but i have seen "Adam Drake" help, work, and fix others cars!!!
so why dont you rag on him.....????

keep i mind just one of a doezen fourms i visit....i am just a retired guy
with Nothing but "TIME"

and it is people like you that make it hard for others to want to help?
think of it?? why would they...??
so people like you can make fun and rag on them...
wow no wonder people do not like to help others anymore??
maybe they like to but dont?? this hurts the hobby !!!

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