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Old 11-10-2012, 07:47 AM
Tech Initiate
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 20

Okay well this is my story!

I love racing RC cars! I have raced nitro offroad for quite some time.. Thinking of getting into on road and racing at tempe due to being sick of the mess of offroad and nitro!

But heres the thing, for some reason I have this massive image in my head of electric on roads being a pain in the ass to setup and get dialled, needing to buy set up tools ($$$), figuring out how to build/setup the car up as I have never built an on road or electric car before as I am sure there is a large learning curve, learnign to solder, learning electrics etc. I just feel as if there is a lot I do not know and will be difficult to get started... Which has resulted in me filling up and emptying my cart at the checkout of amain 3242x as I keep going back and forth on wether I think I will get more enjoyment or more stress out of getting into electric on road.

My question to you guys is how hard is it generally do you think for a person coming from racing offroad nitro (4+ yrs) to going to electrics?

What is the most competitive class at SMA?

What ESC/MOTOR combination is recommended for that class?

What are your thoughts on the new TC6.1 as I have my heart set on it?

I will be moving to Sydney (from Melbourne) at the beginning of 2013 to Sydenham (which I can see is near tempe?)

Cheers, Dan.
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