R/C Tech Forums - View Single Post - Tamiya Championship Series
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Old 10-01-2012, 07:54 AM
Tech Elite
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 2,367

Some of the points are well taken, but you may be missing the point. The Tamiya Nationals are held at the Tamiya USA Track in Aliso Viejo, California.

The Indianapolis 500 Mile Race aka the Indy 500 is held where??????

The Monaco GP is raced on the Streets of Monaco, not Tijuana, Little Rock, or Mobile. Nothing against those cities, but they aren't Monaco.

Like many things that sound good, a national point system has as many bad points as good. For example, you would have to attend both events to have any chance of winning. I believe that if this situation exists the number of racers actually competing for the prize would be much smaller. Let's say driver X wins the East, but can't make the West. Driver Y wins the West, but can't make the East. Driver Z places 3rd or lower in both events and wins the championship. Did he win cause he was the best or because he was able to attend both events???????

Let's also face the fact gentlemen, if you're fast, you're fast. Track don't matter. This local "advantage" crap has been popularized by the whiners and complainers. If you can't go to the Tamiya track and do well, You're just not fast enough. Yeah, you win your little local races, but maybe the guys you race against aren't very fast either. Maybe, instead of whining about some mythical local advantage, you should grow a pair and compete. The Canadians do and do quite well.
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