R/C Tech Forums - View Single Post - [B]DIOT (Defu Indoor Offroad Track)[/B]
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Old 02-14-2012, 06:16 PM
Tech Apprentice
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Originally Posted by Dunus
Hi guys

I have the rare privilege to be introduced to the DIOT when it just started. I sincerely treasure the opportunity given to be able to play on one of the last tracks in Singapore. I have met some of you guys on track a few times and you are all very friendly... somehow I always feel that people running off-road cars are friendlier than the on-road guys, dunno why... Some of you whom have met me, may realize that I never go onto the high platform together with you... haha! I dare not race with you guys, my skill sucks...When you are not around and I am running the car myself, I always have to run up and down the platform to pick up my runaway or upsidedown car, haha! this work-out is worst than RT, haha!
What this guys said is very true as i also feel that playing on-road cars ppl are not so friendly than ppl playing off-road cars... that's is why i prefer playing off road..
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