R/C Tech Forums - View Single Post - Electric Offroad at Pegasus Hobbies!!!!!!!!!
Old 12-12-2011, 12:57 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Inland Empire
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Default Report of T4T race

After all of you racers blazed out, I found myself feeling really proud of what had just happened.

I wanted to personally thank all of those who came out Saturday and were a part of something really fun. I really enjoy doing the races and putting everything I can into a track that I am proud to call my home track.

You all make the long nights and back pains worth it when I watch everyone out on the Pegasus track ripping it up. We raised alot of toys for the kids of Montclair, and some of you just brought toys to give to the charity, not using it for a extra class to race in.

I want to thank Matt, Tom of Pegasus, and James for making the track as beautiful as she is. Without you guys, this type of event could never work.

To all the racers, thanks for making my voice go away everynight I announce, obviously from all the exciting racing. Thanks to my boy Matt, Derek Lamb, Lance Campbell, Enrique, all the guys for being such great people on and off the track.

I will definetly give you a race track this next year with exciting events to go with it. Look for website for Pegasus Raceway soon.
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