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Old 12-14-2012, 05:34 AM
Tech Master
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Originally Posted by fullsyzz
I tried this flipping the steering rack trick I found on Petit/Oople and it made the car easier to drive for me.
This is from my post originally. I race a lot with Chris S on the same high grip astroturf / carpet tracks.

The reason I did it was when I first got the RB6 I found it was very darty & pointy to the level that I was having to take 3 bites at most high speed turns.
I'd turn, the car would bite hard so I'd reduce lock to stop it hooking then it would start to push lightly so I'd have to get back on the lock.
Certainly not the easiest or fastest way around the track.

The car was very good over the bumps and had good / balanced grip but just needed smoothing out a little to build confidence, reversing the rack did that.

The difference is 1.25mm, I often combine that with a low height ball stud so -2.25mm over the normal rack position with no spacers.
This gives a significant ackerman reduction / change thus smoothing the car.

I like a car with a lot of mid-exit steering but that isn't too pointy / agressive on the way in.

I'm currently trying a different link combinaiton which may mean I go back to closer to the stock ackerman, time will tell.
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